Josh is a freelance illustrator living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his wife Amber, two sons Martin & Malcolm, and two dogs Alex & Fievel. You'll often see him and his assistants at art festivals around Milwaukee and surrounding midwest cities.
He loves traveling, rainbows and eating pasta.
207 E Buffalo St. Milwaukee, WI 53202
Townsville Art is the brainchild of Wisconsin artist Josh Seubert. Starting in 2016, Josh has illustrated hundreds of cities, states, university campuses and event arenas in a unique "line art" style. Each design contains dozens of the most iconic and recognizable city or campus features collaged together like a puzzle. The College Campus Decor is the perfect graduation gift. Architecture is often meant to be aestheticly pleasing from not just street level but from an aerial perspective as well so everything drawn is from a birds eye view. As much as 40 hours of research and plotting goes into each design such as the one on the left. The top image of the enormous and heavily detailed Milwaukee cityscape took over four months from January 2020 to May 2020.